Streaming Video News: November 15, 2017


I updated my list of Bollywood movies on Netflix, and I am thrilled to bits about one of the titles that just joined the catalog. In addition to Salman Khan’s Lucky: No Time for Love, the other new movie available for streaming is — drum roll, please — A FLYING JATT!!! Finally! I’ve been wanting to watch this again since the moment I stepped out of the theater the first time, and it hasn’t been available on DVD or any other streaming service in the United States until now. I AM SO EXCITED!

Here’s what I love about A Flying Jatt: movies like this are hard to find these days. Bollywood filmmakers rarely make films explicitly for children, and contemporary Hollywood assumes that families are only interested in animated fare or movies about kids, with PG-13 ratings making superhero movies inaccessible to younger children. Thus, A Flying Jatt feels like a welcome throwback. It has obvious parallels to the Christopher Reeve Superman flicks of the late ’70s and early ’80s, but it has a lot in common with goofy Tom Hanks films like The ‘Burbs and Joe Versus the Volcano, as well. These were films that I enjoyed and drew meaning from even though the live-action characters were grownups and I wasn’t. And while A Flying Jatt functions perfectly well as a fun, accessible way to kill a couple of hours on a rainy afternoon, there’s more going on under the surface. Shortly after A Flying Jatt released, I was inspired to write a followup piece to my initial review about the main character’s struggle with his religious faith. I still think about the movie a lot. My point is: watch A Flying Jatt. It’s really good, and not many people had the chance to see it in the theater.

I also updated my list of Bollywood movies on Amazon Prime with the addition of the 2016 Telugu transgender revenge drama Arddhanaari. For everything else new on Netflix and Amazon Prime — Bollywood or not — check Instant Watcher.

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